City University Of New York
The city university of new york, founded in 1847, the nation's leading urban public university, serving more than 403,000 students at 20 colleges in new york city.
Fordham University
Fordham University
Interboro Institute
Interboro Institute
Pratt Institute
Pratt Institute
Rockefeller University
A world-renowned center for research and graduate education in the biomedical sciences. founded in 1901 as the rockefeller institute for medical research, the university provides a uniquely stimulating and collaborative environment for scientists working in its 75 independent laboratories. patient-oriented studies are conducted in the rockefeller university hospital, only private medical facility in the u.s. devoted entirely to clinical research.
Sarah Lawrence College
Distinctive coeducational college of the liberal arts and sciences located in westchester county, new york, that recognizes the creative and performing arts as integral to a liberal arts education.